Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Parrish Magic Line 9 Inch Round Cake Pans Review

Parrish Magic Line 9 x 3 Inch Round Aluminum Cake Pan
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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In an age of coated, darkened and fancy pants, cake pans, it's nice to get something that bakes evenly and doesn't have a coating that flakes off. I am impressed at how evenly cakes bake without developing a heavy crust. The pans must be hand washed to maintain a non reactive surface, but it's small price to pay. They were shipped to me, overnight and helped to finish a baking project I was in the middle of. Reasonable price for great performing pans that will last a lifetime and still look like new.

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These are not your average cake pans. No.1 a nice shiny finish (no more over baked crust,takes less time to cool,and better heat distribution).No.2 these cake pans have a nice straight side (makes a nice layer cake). No. 3 they come in different depth, and size. No.4 not over priced. No.5 comes from amazon (could not find them in a local store).No. 6 these pans have a nice weight. With normal care they should last for many years.

Best Deals for Parrish Magic Line 9 Inch Round Cake Pans

Many chefs recommend brushed aluminum cake pans because they produce the most consistent cakes. The dark pans absorb too much heat, the shiny ones reflect too much heat. So these are the "sweet spot" of cake pans and they are also made of the thick aluminum with rolled edges that are easiest to handle. They worked great for me, and Amazon offered them at a very competitive proce.

Honest reviews on Parrish Magic Line 9 Inch Round Cake Pans

Parrish Magic Line 9x3 Inch Round Aluminum Cake Pan, I've been Baking with them for years they are my favorite, I never had any problems and own dozens of them, I am not a Professional Baker, however, I like to make Cakes, I've got a sweet tooth and as a hobby I make many of them, all kinds for every occasion, Desserts, Birthdays, Gifts and even...Wedding Cakes. I like to make them Light and Luscious and these are the Pans for That!

These Baking Pans are made of Professional Quality Heavy Gauge Aluminum and that translates into Great Heat conduction, they are very easy to clean and I wash them by hand maybe that's why they still look like New, these are the Baking Pans to use, I've got them in all Shapes and Sizes, I love Them!...Made in the USA Check all the Pictures Posted of my Collection of Pans and Making Cakes, Thank You

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I've been in the market for some real cake pans (heavy duty and straight edged, no more cheap ones that stack well, but ha e slightly sloped edges) I decided that rather than picking a brand and getting the sizes I wanted, I'd get one each of the two best reviewed brands I could find. After reading reviews, it came down to Parrish Magic Line and USA Pans, so I ordered a 9" pan of each and baked a layer cake. The USA Pans one came out great it was very evenly baked and even the top came out very level and even (I'd done the drop it on the counter from 3-4" up several times to even out and remove bubbles method for both cakes). The Magic Line pan's cake had higher center while I was peeking through the oven door during baking and then a significantly dipped center by the time it came out. The coloring was also uneven. If USA Pans came in a better assortment of sizes, I'd order more today. Unfortunately, all the USA Pans have are 2" deep 8, 9, and 10" pans whereas Parrish is available in 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3" depths and 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 15" diameter pans (possibly more, but those are the ones I know of with certainty). I'm definitely going to use USA for the basic sizes, but Parrish will work for the more varied sizes, I think. I'm ordering a 6" Magic Line one today and I'll update this is my experience with it is any different. USA Pans Aluminized Steel 9 Inch Round Layer Cake Pan with Americoat

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