Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bayou Classic 7428 28" Cast Iron Reversible Griddle Reviews

Bayou Classic 7428 28' Cast Iron Reversible Griddle
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $160.00
Sale Price: $69.99
Today's Bonus: 56% Off
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Purchased as an adaptable and affordable alternative to expensive ($1,000+) teppanyaki griddles. The griddle is delightfully heavy and makes a fine heat sink. It is used over two 75,000btu burners with two perforated simmer diffusers sandwiched between. The heat is nicely distributed and allows slower cooking. My interest is in Japanese-style cooking: okonomiyaki and yakisobas mainly. (Yes, there is enough room for an onion volcano if you must.) The set-up is used in the kitchen (not the standard kitchen). Now I can cook two Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki and have space to fry the noodles that are part of the recipe AND the two required eggs without wishing I had another burner and pan. Very Nice. Keep in mind that it is NOT designed to fit the typical wimpy range found in the usual kitchen.

The cast iron MUST be seasoned, but can be done on top of the burners, no oven required. The cast iron MUST be heated slowly to prevent distortion and cracking. Remember, there is a lot of thermal mass here. One bit of advice, sand the cooking surface to remove the lumps and roughness from the (I presume) sand mold. An orbital sander and successive grits works fine.

The griddle meets my requirements beautifully. The cooking is fun and efficient. Cleaning is ridiculously easy. Sure, it is not laser-flat, but close enough. My only surprise was that it survived shipping in the incredibly thin packaging.

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This could have been a really good grill that would have lasted a lifetime. However, the first one I recieved had deep groves in it from poor casting. Amazon replaced it with another. The second grill had the same grooves and large deep divits created from someone trying to use a grinder. I dont recomend this to anyone since you will be disapointed with a grill that could be great if it was manufactured properly.

Best Deals for Bayou Classic 7428 28" Cast Iron Reversible Griddle

This is a bargain. It is the most inexpensive piece of new metal/pound I ever brought. There are some minor grinding marks on the outside edge, but they are gone with the first couple of uses and seasoning. The griddle and frying finish are fine. Plus, you can't beat the price. I don't normal write reviews, but this desires a good solid rating for its workmanship, cost and free shipping. Just be mindful at 28 inches long, it is big it's size surprised me somewhat.

Honest reviews on Bayou Classic 7428 28" Cast Iron Reversible Griddle

I placed this on the 2, 30,000 btu burners on the camp chef stove.

It's great !

Good sear marks and flavor, along with very fast cooking !

Lot's 'o realestate for cooking

It's very hot to handle after cooking, but I found, that a pair of welders gloves solved that problem nicely!

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This is a great product. The packaging was not good..but that was to be thrown away anyway. I also purchased the two eye grill stand and they work great together. the stand does however need to be at least a foot taller and I am only 5'3. My husband is a chef so he is used to huge grill areas. The cast iron is heavy..but has been smooth and seasoned from the beginning. I did re-season it with some solid shortening and putting it on a low heat gradually adding heat. I then wiped it clean with paper towels after letting it cool down naturally. I always clean it after using and add a layer of cooking oil to keep it nice. We use a piece of sheet metal to cover the grill and leave it on the stand instead of having to take it in and out. This grill cooks really good. ...the length is good ...but I do wish the cooking area was about 6-inches wider. It has a drain area around the edges and that is nice but takes up space on the actual cooking area. This would also be a great grill to load up and take camping if you are into that.

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