Monday, December 30, 2013

Discount Granite Ware 0510-4 19-Inch Covered Oval Roaster

Granite Ware 0510-4 19-Inch Covered Oval Roaster
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $26.95
Sale Price: $24.32
Today's Bonus: 10% Off
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Wonderful product. I'm always puzzled when the annual Thanksgiving Turkey Roast Angst comes around. So much fuss & stress when all you have to do is put your bird in one of these, put the lid on, stick it in the oven at 325, take the lid off in the end for about 15 minutes to crisp the skin, and voila! Best turkey you ever ate. Cleans up easily with soap & water, too. Can you believe people pay big bucks for All-Clad & Calphalon roasters when all you need is this old-fashioned pan?

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We have used this type of roaster for over 20 years. Our original which belonged to my mother in law was lightly chipped inside so after a little over 40 years of contiued use in two families we decided to get a new one.

This pan guarantees the best turkey, roast, etc. No basting no worry.

Don't waste your money on fancy designer roasters, they cannot compare.

Best Deals for Granite Ware 0510-4 19-Inch Covered Oval Roaster

I owned one of these years ago and got rid of it due to space constraints. What a mistake, my birds have been nothing but a total disaster ever since!!! The same end result -under cooked thighs and drums. These pans take all the guess work out. I always had excellent results but I just chalked it up to my own cooking expertise ( yeh, right!). I figured a more universal=($$$)roaster would be better & more practical, not the case. I'm so happy to have it back and so glad that such a great product, at an excellent price is from the good old US of A!!!

P.S. an 18 1/5 lb. turkey fits like a glove in the 19 in. roaster!

Honest reviews on Granite Ware 0510-4 19-Inch Covered Oval Roaster

Every year, my singular goal on Thanksgiving Day is to roast a flavorful, moist turkey with crispy skin. Last year, I brined my turkey and yes, it was moist and delicious. This year, I wanted to do something that was easier YET still tasted delicious! My friend mentioned that she used one of these inexpensive roasters and that her turkey always turned out juicy. I researched it online and found out that it was recommended by Bon Appetit in 2008 as "the best" way to cook a turkey. The turkey was insanely delicious.

This is my recipe, revised from Bon Appetit's original recipe (Google Extra Moist Roasted Turkey recipe). I started off with a 14# FRESH turkey from my local meat market. I cleaned, dried, and seasoned my turkey generously (inside and out) with simple kosher salt + pepper. I brushed it all over with melted butter (~ 2 Tbsp). I also stuck a whole lemon and onion into the cavity. I would have put some fresh thyme as well if I didnt forget to buy it! The directions said to place a rack but since I didn't have one, I chopped up big pieces of carrots, celery, and onions (mirepoix) and place it on the bottom of the pan. I roasted the turkey with the lid ON for 1 hour at 400*F. After the first hour, you pour in 1 cup of chicken stock (recipe said water but stock is always more flavorful). Baste it and brush it with additional 2 Tbsp butter and roast (with lid ON) for another 30-60 mins until you achieve 165* (breast). You take the lid OFF for the last 15 mins to crisp it up nicely. I was worried that the turkey would steam in there but it turned out perfectly crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. My 14# took 2 hrs with lid ON and 15 mins with lid OFF. I will definitely be using this method again next year ! A juicy turkey in approximately 2 hrs? Yes, it's a reality. Use this pan and you will no longer stress about the turkey. Finally, if you want to know the culinary term you are braising the turkey which is why it is so tasty and moist. Don't waste your money on an expensive roaster. This is THE ONE for turkey. period

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Granite Ware 0510-4 19-Inch Covered Oval Roaster

I have to give this 5 stars because I'm so happy to have it! I had been using the 18", but I'm thrilled to have accidentally ordered the larger one.

My "old" pan had been in use for 20+ years, and the enamel had worn off the bottom. Whaddaya expect for 18 bucks? Normal wear and tear, especially on "cheaper" kitchenware is to be expected.

My pan arrived in perfect condition--no dents or scratches to be found. The lid fits perfectly, too--no problems there.

This pan is a bit deeper than my 18", allowing for more veg when I make a pot roast. Huzzah!

It washes up beautifully. I always hand wash it, never the dishwasher. Use a gentle scrubber and then just dish soap and hot water.

It's never a problem--comes clean easily. I normally soak it for 30 minutes or so first. Just fill it with soap and hot water. Simple!

I always decrease oven temp when I use this pan. It keeps the meat from drying. Everything I make in it is's a great addition to my kitchen tools.

Looking forward to many years of use. Love these Granite Ware roasters!

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