List Price: $110.00
Sale Price: $109.98
Today's Bonus: $0.02 Off

This little pan falls under that William Morris quote that says "have nothing in your houses that you know not to be useful or believe to be beautiful". In this case, Morris may have forgotten to mention expensive too, lol! Expensive with what *I* feel are fully justified reasons these pans are so well designed, they get consistently better results from my recipes and have thereby made me a better cook. I've had my Mauviel pieces for almost 10 years and I can say that they are truly built to last a lifetime.
Beautifully crafted in France; professional feel and finish.
Substantial weight, evenly balanced, rock-solid construction overall.
Thick bottoms, VERY even heating designed to brown not burn; PERFECT for recipes that require deglazing.
This particular size has been very useful as I've downsized; great for making sauces, gravies and reductions in smaller quantities. Makes reheating little portions of leftovers feel a little special! I should mention again that these are VERY HEAVY pans this smallest one is barely four inches across and weighs almost 2lbs. Even though I have pretty severe arthritis these pans get such great results that I still use them on a regular basis.
I've tried the various shapes and sizes with electric, gas and propane stoves, all with excellent results. They are also supposed to be the best with induction heat but I have not tried that method yet. If you ever burn anything, just place a cup of water in the pan and put it back on low heat for a few minutes; it will clean up with a regular nylon scrubbie-type sponge. I have burned things in these pans on occasion but never as the fault of the pan; because they are designed to deglaze so well I have NEVER had to use a "Brillo" or scouring pad on these to get them clean and shining again.
I've never really "babied" these pans; if I have the time and energy I wash them by hand, if not I throw them in the dishwasher. The only ill-effect I've noticed is that the cast iron handles get a bit of surface rust on them from being in the dishwasher. This can be removed with a scrubbie but IMO actually gives these a more "rustic" look which I happen to think is attractive. I don't think it could really hurt the handles either because they are very, VERY thick!
Because these pots are pricey I purchased a couple of carbon steel pans to round out my collection but as a semi-serious home cook I would not be without at least one or two of these in my kitchen. The only Mauviel pan I would not purchase again is the "non-stick" finish fry pan because in hindsight a nonstick finish doesn't ever last and is not necessary for now these pans works best. For the cook just starting out, if you can only choose one I'd recommend a three quart saucepan with lid; it can stand in for a frypan or saute pan and the size is very versatile.
Highly recommended!
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