List Price: $19.95
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It comes with a basic-quality non-stick coating. Eggs, oil and a mini silicone spatula are not items that cause surface scratches and I am pretty careful about how I prepare tamago (Japanese omelette)...Nevertheless, I managed to make a couple of chicken scratches on the bottom of the pan near the side edges after the third time used. I'd recommend cutting a styromfoam plate to fit the bottom of the pan to minimize storage scratches. I would have paid more for a Silverstone coating or higher quality coating, but couldn't find something comparable that didn't cost an arm and a leg. It's a more delicate surface than most regular non-stick 'fry' pans, but like most non-stick cookware, you'll probably end up replacing it after hard use. Overall, it's a relatively inexpensive purchase if you don't cook a lot of tamago but would like a pan that fits the purpose.
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As a westerner, and non-Asian, who loves to cook Asian (especially Japanese) recipes at home, I was nervous since this pan has such mixed reviews. Let me put those to rest by saying if you are careful, it works great. It does just what it says, and the tamagoyaki does NOT stick. You must use oil, as the mixture contains sugar. It will stick to anything with no oil. Do not skip (or reduce) the oil, and you will find that your yummy snack comes out just as it should. I recommend watching a professional make tamagoyaki, to get a realistic view of the use of the oil. I found lots of good ones on you tube. Happy cooking!Best Deals for Kotobuki Tamagoyaki Japanese Omelette Pan
The pan works perfectly, and it's cute. I have been using it for a month (well, I made tamagoyaki almost everyday!), it doesn't scratch or rust etc. I'm happy with it.Honest reviews on Kotobuki Tamagoyaki Japanese Omelette Pan
This pan is shaped perfectly to make great tamagoyaki. However, one needs to be more gentle with the surface than I have been. I've used it about a dozen times since I bought it, and the coating is starting to flake off from the pan -this is limited to areas that show scratches on the surface, which were probably from either manipulating the omelets with chopsticks, or from scraping off burned-on egg with a butter knife. My fault, I know, so be warned. Use only silicone tools when contacting the pan's surface -not chopsticks or cutlery.Also, the picture doesn't show it, but although the metal tang of the handle goes all the way to the end, the wooden part does NOT wrap around fully to the bottom. That is, when you hold the pan by the handle, your fingers wrap around the handle from the wood part to the metal underneath. This is a problem because the metal carries the heat from your cooking flame and will burn your fingers. I have to wear an oven mitt or wrap a towel around the handle to avoid this.
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This is a great little omelette pan! I say little because it's smaller than I expected but that hasn't been an issue really. You'd be surprised at how many eggs you can fit when you're rolling them up! I haven't had any issues with sticking like some of the other reviewers have but I do make sure to use a little oil in the pan when I'm making the eggs. Also, the pan feels quite heavy and well made. I've been cooking professionally for longer than I care to think about and I can tell you I've held allot of pots over the years and this one feels better than most for it's price range. Sure, it doesn't have a heavy bottom like some fancier pans but you really don't need all that for making Tamago. The pan conducts heat really quickly and I've made dozens of omelets without burning a single one! It works like a champ!Overall, it's a great pan for cooking eggs and I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to try their hand at Tamagoyaki! You won't be disappointed!
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